Planet Labs: The Bull Case

It’s not every day a business loses nearly a third of its value in a few short hours. It’s even stranger when the company meets and exceeds Wall Street expectations on top-line and earnings growth.

And yet, that’s precisely what happened to Planet Labs. The firm released its first quarter fiscal 2024 results earlier this month, with revenues of $52.7 million about in line with analyst predictions, and an earnings loss of $0.13 per share significantly beating the forecasted $0.15 by 13%.

Despite this, share prices tanked. While it’s true that PL made some welcome headway on two of its most fundamental financial metrics, other developments spooked the market.

To begin with, the rate at which Planet’s sales numbers are expanding is slowing down.

Although the aforementioned $52.7 million indicates a 31% surge on an annual basis, it falls far short of the company’s 46% growth for the full fiscal year of 2023.

But the situation gets worse. As per PL’s revised projections, the estimated revenue for the second quarter is approximately within the range of $53 million to $55 million. This would signify an 11% rise on a yearly average and virtually no growth on a sequential basis.

However, that’s not the worst of it. Planet Labs Customer Count is also showing signs of flattening out, with its end-of-period client base growing a measly 9% compared to a far more healthy 23% at the same time last year.

Nevertheless, this narrative of doom and gloom isn’t all it’s made up to be.

Indeed, digging deeper into the corporation’s literature, a startling fact jumps out: PL’s fraction of recurring annual contract value (ACV) is going up, from 92% in 2022 to 93% in 2023. This is important, as it implies that the portion of Planet Lab’s revenue derived from customers with the potential to renew their contracts over multiple years – as opposed to one-time transactions – is getting bigger.

With so much confusing and conflicting evidence at play, it’s worth taking a more nuanced look at Planet’s underlying business operation. This way, the compelling bull thesis for its innovative enterprise may become a whole lot clearer.

Source: Unsplash

What Sets PL Apart From Other Geo Data Mapping Companies?

Planet Labs has gained significant recognition in the satellite imagery industry thanks to its unique and highly scalable land-and-expand business strategy.

Indeed, PL’s one-to-many corporate sales model involves the deployment of large constellations of small, low-cost satellites that work together to provide worldwide coverage. This network of interconnected satellites captures high-resolution imagery of the Earth’s surface with remarkable frequency.

The adaptability of this approach allows Planet to rapidly accumulate and deliver data on a global scale, catering to diverse industries and use cases, such as defense and intelligence and drought response.

Another significant marker of Planet Labs’ venture is its data subscription plan. By offering customers access to its vast collection of satellite imagery through ongoing contracts, the company establishes recurring revenue streams while meeting the evolving needs of various sectors. This offers clients easy access to high-quality visuals and analysis, empowering them to make knowledgeable choices and acquire valuable insights into their operations.

Additionally, Planet Labs functions on a vertically-integrated platform, granting end-to-end control over its satellite production, deployment, and operations. This streamlined workflow enhances operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness. By maintaining an agile space missions model, Planet Labs can quickly adapt to market demands and rapidly deploy new satellites to expand its coverage.

Customer success is also a key focus for PL. The company prioritizes understanding its customers’ needs and tailoring its solutions to their specific challenges. By serving enterprise and government customers, Planet Labs has tapped into areas that heavily rely on geospatial information for decision-making and risk management.

Ongoing collaboration, technical support, and training ensure that clients derive maximum value from the data and services provided. This customer-centric philosophy fosters loyalty and creates opportunities for upselling and cross-selling, driving further expansion.

Daily Satellite Imaging Is No Longer A Luxury

Planet Labs has established itself as an indispensable resource for government-level institutions by providing valuable insights and solutions through satellite imagery and data.

A stunning example of this is successfully tracking a high-altitude Chinese balloon that entered North American airspace earlier this year. This achievement highlights Planet’s proficiency in leveraging its extensive satellite network and AI technologies to address critical security and monitoring challenges.

Furthermore, this action is a compelling demonstration of PL’s willingness to utilize AI and satellite data to backtrace the trajectory of objects across vast geographical regions. By partnering with AI startup Synthetaic, Planet has combined its high-resolution satellite data with Synthetaic’s rapid AI models for object detection and classification.

The successful tracking of the balloon showcases the effectiveness of Planet’s AI-powered object detection capabilities and underscores the significance of satellite data as a valuable yet underutilized asset.

With a proof of concept applicable to many domains, the firm’s customer list should see a host of names added in the coming years. In fact, this has already started to happen as Planet Labs continues to forge strong partner relationships across multiple industries.

One notable addition to Planet Labs’ customer base is the Welsh Government, which awarded the company a multi-year, seven-figure contract through an Open Tender process. This partnership supports the Welsh Government’s Earth Observation (EO) program, specifically in testing remote sensing techniques for the design and implementation of the Rural Investment Schemes (RIS).

Another significant alliance is with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Space Agency. Planet Labs announced a partnership with the UAE Space Agency to create a regional satellite data-driven loss and damage atlas for climate change resilience.

This initiative aims to provide countries facing high degrees of climate risk with crucial data to inform policy decisions, respond effectively to climate challenges, and establish financial programs for climate adaptation and mitigation. By incorporating Planet’s data, the UAE Space Agency seeks to enhance climate resilience in the region.


With a remarkable ability to harness the power of artificial intelligence, Planet Labs stands at the forefront of satellite imagery and data analytics. By forging strategic partnerships with AI startups and nation-states alike, Planet has cemented its position as an vital resource for government-level institutions worldwide.

On top of that, the company is a revenue-generating powerhouse with a trailing twelve-month gross profit margin of 52%. If it can maintain its high rate of recurring ACV, it should see a positive entry to its bottom line in no time at all.

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