4 Best TikTok Investing Accounts

TikTok is increasingly becoming a go-to place for sage investment advice with its user base of over 689 million monthly active users worldwide. It’s more than just dance crazes and your next favorite recipe trend, as ByteDance’s viral app draws a wide range of user demographics. 

Here are four top TikTok investment channels to follow for meaty investment information that could help beef up your portfolio. 

Graham Stephan (@Grahamstephan on TikTok)

Graham Stephan is a Millennial in his 30s who got his real estate license at 18 and quickly grew his wealth to become a millionaire. His investment portfolios these days is estimated at close to $13 million and it’s no small part due to his A+ YouTube channel that dispenses professional, polished and well-researched personal finance tips. 

Stephan is a conservative investor, and he advocated for investing in the S&P 500 index through a 401k and Roth IRA over anything.

Because he got rich as a realtor, he also keeps a keen eye on the housing market. And he’s very stringent with how he spends his money, often espousing the benefits of making your own iced coffee over buying it.

This is how he grew his following over one million followers on virtually every social platform, from YouTube to TikTok. His short-form videos focus on financial tips include insights that even the most well-versed trader and investor will find valuable.

In short, his personal financial advice is top notch and his TikTok channel has an excellent feed of information aimed at bolstering your net worth.

Humphrey Yang (@Humphreytalks on TikTok)

Humphrey Yang is an entrepreneur and finance expert with 2.3 million TikTok followers and 200,000+ YouTube subscribers. His content focuses on business, personal finance, and investing, and he believes you should start at the age of 18. 

Unlike other investors who focus heavily on day trading, Yang believes only advanced investors should take these risks. He explains in his videos how to get tax breaks for higher trade volumes, but he also prefers a safer long-term trading strategy of ETFs and index funds. 

Although he had a YouTube account since 2010, it didn’t pop off until the end of 2019, and his presence has exploded since then.

His first big break came from analyzing the cost of a $45 Hydro Flask water bottle. At the rate he’s growing, Yang may soon be the most prominent financial mind on TikTok.

Now in his mid-30s, Yang has over a billion combined views. But he’s not trying to convince you to spend your money on anything in particular. Instead, he’s simply outlining the basic fundamentals of personal finance so you can make smarter decisions. This separates him from the pack of viral dance stars and influencers.

Ricky Gutierrez (@Trading101 on TikTok)

While many TikTokers focus on a broad range of financial topics, Ricky Gutierrez zeroes in on investments, and that helped him quickly gain six-digit followings on YouTube and Instagram. He’s still relatively small on TikTok with about 50k followers, but he’s still in his 20s and creeping to one million followers on YouTube.

His videos break down beginner-level investment advice that covers stocks, ETFs, penny stocks, cryptocurrency, forex, and more. He also explains passive income options like affiliate marketing and online sales now that he’s a verified online influencer.

In addition, Gutierrez built a peer-to-peer networking group for entrepreneurs and investors called TechBud Solutions that’s growing just as fast. This community has a big ambition: to elbow in on traditional hedge funds and angel investors that typically invest in small businesses.

His business acumen is evidence that Gutierrez has the business savvy and experience of a much more experienced business person. He has proven successes in the stock market, real estate, and as an online entrepreneur. 

Rahul Rai (@Thelaymaninvestor on TikTok)

Rahul Rai is an actor and content creator who became internet famous via the 3.4 million TikTok followers on his main account. Now in his 30s, Rai is most well-known for depicting an Indian couple stuck in a perpetual argument. 

However, he’s not just trying to be a comedian, because he also focuses on aspects of personal finance. With The layman investor, he answers his community’s questions about topics like how to earn extra money through side hustles or investing for the long term.

Being a skilled actor, he tends to create watchable and digestible material that seize your attention. Comedy is an art form, and it’s nice to see somebody take a humorous approach to tackling dry financial subjects.

Rai makes investing much more accessible to TikTok’s younger demographics, and he has an immaculate work ethic that ensures he’s constantly pumping out new content. Plus, if you enjoy his personality behind the advice, you can always dig into his non-financial content.

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