David Hunter Contrarian Track Record

No one can accurately predict what the market will do next 100 percent of the time, but there are a few experts who get it right more often than not.

Through years of industry experience and intense research into historical patterns and trends, they spot indicators of future movement that are virtually invisible to the average investor. That’s a valuable skill to have, and the most successful prognosticators amass fortunes through carefully crafted investment strategies that integrate their forecasts. 

Some choose to share their insights with the public, offering guidance on when to move forward at full force and when to pull back. Macro strategist David Hunter is one of the few who seem to have a special gift for using data to predict what’s next for the market – and he is not shy about sharing his insights through his newsletter, social media, and financial news sites. 

More importantly, Hunter isn’t one to follow the crowd. No matter how widely his predictions diverge from the consensus, he is fully transparent as he works to provide actionable guidance to investors. 

Who Is David Hunter?

David Hunter has been a fixture in Wall Street circles for more than 40 years. He spent 25 years focused on investment management before diving into the challenging work of a sell-side strategist.

As a macro strategist, Hunter doesn’t focus on individual companies. Instead, he examines the bigger picture – how the larger market will move, both domestically and globally. Throughout his career, Hunter has demonstrated an ability to predict economic changes over time. That puts him in a powerful position to create effective long-term investment strategies.

Today, Hunter is Contrarian Macro Advisors’ Chief Macro Strategist, which means when he makes a prediction, people listen. He has an impressive track record when it comes to forecasting economic cycles, and he has successfully identified market trends before others in the industry.  

Hunter’s current predictions have alarmed his followers, though his critics have loudly proclaimed their skepticism. Ultimately, time will tell whether he is right – but for now, investors that have confidence in Hunter are preparing for unprecedented economic changes. 

David Hunter Contrarian

Contrarians are those who go against the current. They buy when others are selling and vice versa – or to put it another way, they sell the greed and buy the fear. While this might appear foolhardy, the fact is that some of the most successful investors of all time built their fortunes through contrarian methods. 

Warren Buffett, net worth $116 billion, is one of the most famous contrarians. Others include Michael Burry, made famous by the book and subsequent motion picture The Big Short, along with Ray Dalio, David Dreman, Sir John Templeton, and George Soros. 

David Hunter took the title of contrarian to the next level, adopting the moniker proudly as part of his public brand. To date, he has succeeded in making contrarian strategies work, amassing a fortune through independent analysis that is free from the influence of so-called “herd mentality.” 

David Hunter Net Worth

David Hunter’s net worth remains a closely guarded secret, which is unusual in an industry where success is measured by portfolio size. However, Hunter is confident that his track record speaks for itself. He has nothing to prove, so there is no need to release his personal financial details. 

That brings up important questions:

  • How have David Hunter’s past predictions played out?
  • What does David Hunter’s track record look like? and
  • What are David Hunter’s predictions for the near term? 

David Hunter Past Predictions

One of David Hunter’s past predictions was recent enough to still be top of mind. Specifically, when there was a widespread stock selloff in September 2020, the market got twitchy. After all, the shocking March 2020 crash was still fairly recent, so the S&P 500’s decline to 3,300 was enough to provoke anxiety. 

However, Hunter assured investors that the drop would be short-lived – and in fact, the S&P was likely to reach between 4,200 and 4,500 within about a year.

Sure enough, the S&P 500 surpassed the 4,000 mark on April 1, 2021, then reached 4,200 by May. In October 2021, it hit 4,500, proving once again that expert contrarians often get it right. 

David Hunter Predictions

If you give credence to David Hunter’s past predictions, his current predictions will keep you up at night.

In short, he says that the market will continue its melt up for a little bit longer, and then there will be a “bear market of historic proportions.” 

If David Hunter’s predictions are accurate, what might those numbers look like?  

David Hunter Melt Up

The 2020 market crash prompted massive government intervention that occurred with impressive speed. In a matter of weeks, stimulus funds were flowing into homes and businesses, which supported a relatively rapid economic recovery. 

The market continued its gains in 2021, and there hasn’t been a substantial decline to date in 2022. However, Hunter suggests this is a melt up. In other words, investors are jumping into the market so as not to miss out on this trend, despite the fact that there is no underlying support for the gains. 

Hunter focuses on fundamentals when analyzing market behavior and drawing conclusions about what might come next. For the moment, he is confident that the melt up will continue beyond his original targets. For example, the S&P 500 could go as high as 6,000, maintaining the melt up until roughly halfway through 2022. Then… 

David Hunter Stock Market Crash

David Hunter’s stock market crash prediction has something of a doomsday feel. At one point in late 2020, he said that the S&P 500 could drop below 1,000, and he recently indicated the coming correction could be as much as 80 percent. 

Essentially, Hunter suggested that the Fed’s plans to increase interest rates for the purpose of controlling inflation will likely cause an overreaction among the central banks. That, in addition to ill-advised government interventions, will prompt a stock market crash. 

Hunter said that the entire process might happen in a shockingly short amount of time – perhaps just six months from peak to trough.

Bank failures are inevitable, though maybe not as many in the United States as in other countries, and governments will have to resume stimulus programs to right the ship. In a nutshell, Hunter said, it will be like “March of 2020 on steroids, basically. Multiple steroids.” 

David Hunter: Investor Newsletter

There are several ways to keep up with David Hunter’s predictions, beginning with his Twitter page. Hunter regularly shares his insights – in 280 characters or less – with his 155,000+ followers.

He also makes regular appearances on financial podcasts and webcasts, and he publishes a somewhat mysterious quarterly newsletter that has no online enrollment option. Those in the know recommend sending Hunter a direct message through Twitter to subscribe. 

David Hunter Track Record: The Bottom Line 

Even the most gifted strategists aren’t right all the time, but David Hunter’s track record speaks for itself. His decades-long career is full of accurate predictions, and his ability to correctly project market movement between September 2020 and October 2021 – one of the most atypical periods in recent history – cemented his reputation as a voice of reason in unreasonable times. 

What does that mean for his prediction of a 2022 market crash to rival that of 1929? It’s hard to say for sure – but it is worth preparing your portfolio to withstand whatever might come. 

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