5 Best YouTube Stock Traders

There are plenty of financial experts out there willing you give you investment advice. But who should you listen to, and why?

Below you can find examples of some of the most successful and famous traders offering their insights on YouTube and Twitter today.

Learn who they are, their relevant expertise, and the factors that inform their investment choices.

1. Graham Stephan Is Young & Very Rich

Platforms: YouTube, Twitter

Background: Graham is a hugely popular Youtube personality, with nearly 3 million subscribers and over 250 million views to date. Graham runs his own real estate business, focusing mainly on high-end properties in Los Angeles. He famously became a millionaire in his early twenties, and he now shares his knowledge of the property business and all things financial with his followers on Youtube.

Investing Style: Although an expert in real estate, Graham also focuses his attention on investment strategy, especially for novice investors and those new to the markets. Building on the approach he used to become a millionaire before the age of thirty, Graham puts out such videos as “From $0 To Millionaire | Investing For Beginners” and “My Millionaire Investment Strategy For 2019”. 

Perhaps because of his background in real estate, Graham Stephan’s investment style could be considered conservative. However, where he will advise followers to invest in modest risk instruments such as Index Funds, he will also suggest more volatile investments like unregulated cryptocurrencies and high growth start-ups.

His approach, however, is cautious, and he makes a point of focusing on negative headwinds that have market-wide implications.

2. Jonah Lupton Stock Research Is A+

Platforms: Twitter, JonahLupton.com

Background: Jonah runs a number of businesses, including SoundGuard, “the world’s first soundproof paint”, which was a semi-finalist in the Start-up of the Year Award, 2018. He regularly tweets his opinions on stock opportunities and has recently set-up a dedicated Substack account where readers can get access to his in-depth analyses on various companies.

Investing Style: Jonah Lupton isn’t afraid to take a “high risk, high reward” approach to investing – but this isn’t always how he plays it. He takes accountability for his trades and publishes a spreadsheet of all his current positions. He’s not afraid to let his followers see his wins and his losses.

Although Jonah Lupton is a growth investor, he takes a particular interest in the specific technological aspects of his investments. He is detail-oriented in general, and his Twitter feed is full of multiple-tweet topic threads where he will cover many angles of a given stock. He blends the fundamental and the technical sides of an investment in ways few analysts are doing today.

One if his most successful picks in recent weeks has been DermTech (DMTK), which rose over 200% in a matter of months.

3. Meet Kevin Is Insanely Wealthy, And Still Humble

Platforms: YouTube, Twitter

Background: Meet Kevin – actual name Kevin Paffrath – is another real estate millionaire who made it big at a relatively young age. Kevin’s focus is geared more to the pure play real estate investor and rental property manager.

Investment Style: Like Graham Stephan, Kevin is a specialist in the real estate sector, and has amassed over $10 million of property during his short career.

He shares his experiences on Youtube and is especially frank about the mistakes he made on the way to success. Not everything Kevin touches turns to gold – his expansion into real estate development in 2017 didn’t turn the way it was expected to – the thin margins and high up-front costs inherent in the building led to Kevin losing $1 million in less than two years.

Somewhat atypically for many successful YouTube personalities, Kevin Paffrath will take a high-level overview of macroeconomic topics and trends.

Not limiting himself to just analyzing the market movements and individual companies, Kevin often vlogs on the latest goings-on at the Federal Reserve, and takes in prevailing political shifts and discusses how these should affect investor’s decision making. 

4. Leif Soreide Is A Champion Trader

Platforms: Twitter, championteamtrading.com

Background: Leif Soreide is the 2019 winner of the stock division of the United States Investment Championships, and shares his investment secrets with his Twitter followers.

Investment Style: Of all the personalities on this list, Leif Soreide probably fits the mold of the typical trader that most investors have in mind. Leif has shifted his approach from general market trend watching, to being more concerned with swing trading and utilizing the tricks of the day trader’s technical analysis toolbag.

Leif Soreide is not a risk-averse investor; in fact, famously, his motto is “Rockets Only”. He finesses this approach, however, and does caution that the successful investor needs good risk management.

With that said, he is definitely a growth investor, and is always on the lookout for the next big multi-bagger. But whatever he is doing, it is working – his recent Investment Championships win that produced an annual return north of 900% is proof of that.

5. Sven Carlin, Ph.D. Is A Value Investing Guru

Platforms: YouTube, Twitter

Background: Sven Carlin is an independent investment adviser, who came to his current occupation via careers spanning diving, high school teaching and an assistant professorship at the Amsterdam School of International Business.

Investment Style: Sven Carlin takes a very traditional approach to investment analysis. Maybe it was his time in Bloomberg’s London office, but Sven offers viewers a very methodical and rigorous approach to investing.

His videos will normally take a deep-dive into a company or commodity, and are usually oriented to the value and/or dividend investor. Sven will also outline strategic approaches to investment, again with a slightly more conservative ambitions, such as how to make inflation busting and no risk investments.

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